1. DO NOT discuss politics or religion in this forum whatsoever. Violators will be warned once and then banned.
2. Refrain from cursing or flaming each other. We do not tolerate this whatsoever. Failure to abide by this rule will result in severe consequences.
3. DO NOT spam any threads within this forum. All spam will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned from the forums.
4. Stay on topic at all times. Those who go off topic will be warned and then subsequently banned from the forums for a period of time of our choosing.
5. Use your heads when posting threads. Pointless threads will be removed from this forum.
6. Absolutely no discussion of illegal activities of any kind.
7. Do NOT post anything insulting, degrading, or undermining to the KRS as a whole, it's staff, and/or its guests. Doing so may result in your account being banned permanently.
8. Have fun*-
2. Refrain from cursing or flaming each other. We do not tolerate this whatsoever. Failure to abide by this rule will result in severe consequences.
3. DO NOT spam any threads within this forum. All spam will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned from the forums.
4. Stay on topic at all times. Those who go off topic will be warned and then subsequently banned from the forums for a period of time of our choosing.
5. Use your heads when posting threads. Pointless threads will be removed from this forum.
6. Absolutely no discussion of illegal activities of any kind.
7. Do NOT post anything insulting, degrading, or undermining to the KRS as a whole, it's staff, and/or its guests. Doing so may result in your account being banned permanently.
8. Have fun*-